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 [Checklist] Battle for the cowl

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Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

[Checklist] Battle for the cowl Empty
MessageSujet: [Checklist] Battle for the cowl   [Checklist] Battle for the cowl EmptyVen 10 Avr 2009 - 14:22

* Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? (May, 2009) ici
* Battle for the Cowl: Commissioner Gordon (May, 2009) ici
* Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #1-3 (May - July, 2009) ici
* Oracle: The Cure #1-3 (May - July, 2009) ici
* Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum (June, 2009) ici
* Battle for the Cowl: The Underground (June, 2009) ici
* Battle for the Cowl: Man-Bat (June, 2009) ici
* Secret Six #9 (June, 2009) ici
* Battle for the Cowl: The Network (July, 2009) ici
* Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive? (July, 2009) ici
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[Checklist] Battle for the cowl
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