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 Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]

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4 participants
Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyLun 10 Aoû 2009 - 9:37

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwars1
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwars2
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwars11
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwars12
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwarscolossus
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwarsmonica
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwarsrogue
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Secretwarswasp

Citation :
pider-Man and the Secret Wars will be four issues and will launch in December. It is written by Paul Tobin, with art by Patrick Scherberger. McCann said it's not a Marvel Adventures or a retcon, but tales told from Spider-Man eyes.

Dernière édition par Mars contre attacks le Mar 20 Oct 2009 - 7:23, édité 1 fois
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Incredible member
Incredible member

Age : 36
Localisation : Le Paradis
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2006

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyMer 12 Aoû 2009 - 16:05

m'ouais je vois pas trop l'intérêt...
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 8:51

pareillement mais marvel aime bien tiré la corde sur des évènements passés comme house of M ou onslaught reborn ou marvel 1602 ou la saga du clone
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Incredible member
Incredible member

Age : 36
Localisation : Le Paradis
Date d'inscription : 09/05/2006

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 12:14

quoique les nouvelles mini HoM sont très sympas. mais bon là c'est du repompage pur et dur. les guerres secrètes vues par parker, on l'a déjà vu dans l'événement en lui même.
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Arathorn X
Immortal member
Immortal member
Arathorn X

Age : 36
Localisation : Entre Moselle et Alsace
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyVen 14 Aoû 2009 - 14:51

En plus Cyke et Rogue n'ont pas les bons costumes. La cover avec les méchants dessus c'est celle du #2. Après ça peut être sympa comme mini tout de même vu que l'équipe créative est pas manchot.
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyLun 21 Sep 2009 - 9:55

le pitch


Written by PAUL TOBIN

How do ten heroes end up buried alive beneath one hundred and fifty BILLION tons of rock? And is the Hulk mad enough to do anything about it? What were the events that led up to this catastrophe? What are the heroes thinking? And with the weight of an entire mountain range above them, how do they go about their desperate fight for survival? All the answers are in the first issue of the series that takes you deeper into the classic events of the Secret Wars, and pulls the lid off stories that were left untold!
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyMar 20 Oct 2009 - 7:29

Written by PAUL TOBIN

When the Beyonder created Battleworld, he stocked it with far more than Earth's greatest heroes and worst villains. Now, two of these other elements, the city of Denver, Colorado and a warlike alien race known as the Spindlies, are on major collision course. With the other heroes occupied elsewhere, it's up to Ben Grimm and the amazing Spider-Man to stand or fall with the city. But who will save them from their powerful on-again, off-again, ally...Doctor Doom?
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyLun 16 Nov 2009 - 8:37

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Smsw3

Written by PAUL TOBIN

Galactus. Arguably the most powerful being in all creation. The sole survivor of the universe that came before our own. The deadliest threat to not only those the Beyonder has stranded on Battleworld, but even to the planet itself. Galactus. A being so powerful that his mere presence warps all reality, twists what is real and what is false. Galactus. The being that Spider-Man needs to stop, aided by an Enchantress who may be real, or may be false, and a certain black costume that's all a part of the game of...Galactus.
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyVen 4 Déc 2009 - 9:17

preview du 1

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars11
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars12
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars13r
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars14
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars15
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars16
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars17
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyLun 21 Déc 2009 - 9:23

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermanthesecretwars4

Written by PAUL TOBIN
Penciled and Cover by PATRICK SCHERBERGER

When all the heroes and all the other villains were busy playing the
Beyonder’s game, only one man took himself off the game board in order
to challenge the Beyonder. That man, of course, is Victor von Doom. But
what made both Spider-Man and Wolverine go along for the ride? And what
is the terrible cost for the ticket?
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyVen 8 Jan 2010 - 8:19

preview du 2

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars21
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars22
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars23
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars24
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Spidermansecretwars26
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Spectacular member
Spectacular member

Age : 44
Localisation : Roazhon-616
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyVen 8 Jan 2010 - 13:20

Cette mini risque-t-elle d'être plus intéressante que l'originale...?
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Mars contre attacks
Celeste member
Celeste member
Mars contre attacks

Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] EmptyVen 12 Mar 2010 - 8:39

preview du 4

Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg1.201031293732
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg2.201031293745
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg3.201031293754
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg4.20103129384
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg5.201031293819
Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Prv4669_pg6.201031293817
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Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]   Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série] Empty

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Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4 [Mini Série]
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