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 X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]

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Arathorn X
Ben Wawe
Iron Novax
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Malicia X
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Immortal member
Immortal member

Age : 41
Localisation : Lille (Nord)
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyMer 1 Avr 2009 - 7:59

Pour ça que je trouve que ce serait bien de l'oublier un peu maintenant... Les choses ont étés faites trop vite et de manière très maladroite avec elle jusqu'ici.
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Young member
Young member

Age : 37
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2008

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyVen 3 Avr 2009 - 12:57

Ben Wawe a écrit:
Les auteurs n'ont pas mis autant en avant Pixie pour l'abandonner de manière aussi pathétique, sans scène d'adieu déchirante suivant un acte d'héroïsme magnifique. Je pense qu'on devrait (malheureusement) la revoir vite ainsi, grâce à son "super" pouvoir de téléportation.

Elle peut revenir avec des pouvoirs plus évoluées ou sous la forme d'une jeune adulte ainsi elle aura le même âge que les autres X-men. Wink
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Immortal member
Immortal member

Age : 41
Localisation : Lille (Nord)
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyVen 3 Avr 2009 - 12:59

Ses pouvoirs sont déjà pas mal évolués. Pas sa poudre de fée qui est son pouvoir de base, mais le reste : la magie (téléportation haut niveau) et tout ce qu'elle a fait depuis le début avec sa dague de l'âme... Plus évolués encore, comme l'a déjà dit Magik, on aura droit à Pixie-Phénix... No
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Ben Wawe
Ultimate member
Ultimate member
Ben Wawe

Age : 37
Localisation : A l'ombre de mes rêves
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyVen 3 Avr 2009 - 13:32

Justice a écrit:
Elle peut revenir avec des pouvoirs plus évoluées ou sous la forme d'une jeune adulte ainsi elle aura le même âge que les autres X-men. Wink

Je ne supporte déjà pas Magik, je n'ai pas envie d'un bis.
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Immortal member
Immortal member

Age : 41
Localisation : Lille (Nord)
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyVen 3 Avr 2009 - 13:34

Elle l'est déjà, X-Infernus en est une preuve de plus. C'est exactement l'analyse de Magik plus haut, après la Kitty-Bis, nous avons eu droit à l'Illyana-Bis dans toute cette mini et même depuis qu'elle a eu la dague de l'âme et une partie de son âme corrompue. C'était déjà l'histoire d'Illyana qui se répétait.

Pixie, la reine des redite...
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Spectacular member
Spectacular member

Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyMar 7 Avr 2009 - 22:44

I enjoyed “X-Infernus,” but there were several things about the end of the miniseries that kind of left me confused. Where did Pixie go? Is she still stuck in Limbo?

C.B. Cebulski: Limbo is the last place I think Pixie wants to be after what just happened to her there, so she teleported herself as far away from Limbo as she could – with her new, more powerful Soul Dagger in hand, no less. As for where Pixie turns up next, you'll just have to wait and see.
If Pixie is still stuck in Limbo, how could the X-Men just leave one of their youngest members there? It seems incredibly irresponsible and uncaring…
Pixie was extremely upset and acting out on her own accord when she fled, and there was nothing the X-Men could do at that moment. But Pixie will be popping up again soon, so keep reading.

What’s the deal with Illyana’s horns? Sometimes they’re there, and sometimes they’re not.

What can I say? Sometimes she's horny, sometimes she's not.
Anyway... as with all things magic, there's a bit of mystery involved in regards to her horns, but you'll be seeing this issue addressed as she continues her adventures on earth with the New Mutants, starting this May!

X-Editor Nick Lowe: If I can chime in here, I think the horns coming and going was CB’s idea, but it may have been Cammo’s or even Zeb’s (who the hell knows?), but I loved it. It very much reminded me of how Illyana’s armor works. It comes when it’s needed. It’s not always the same. It’s magic! I mean, Magik!

Did Illyana regain any of her soul during this mini? If not, is she Illyana or is she Darkchild? Or are they the same person like Hulk and Bruce Banner?

Very inquisitive today, aren't we? She regained a little of her soul. The part in the Soulsword is back with her, but all the Soulstones are gone. What the conversation with her and Kurt (Nightcrawler) laid out for us is that, who she is (Illyana or Darkchild), is her choice.

Can you tell us anything about the “New Mutants” book? Did you coordinate with writer Zeb Wells in the conclusion of your story?

I can't give you too much on that front without spoiling a lot of what Zeb has planned for the upcoming ongoing, but yes, he and I did speak, so he knew what I was planning from the start and we were able to coordinate things a bit as you'll see in a few months.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Pixie got one of the bloodstones containing a piece of her soul embedded in her soul dagger/sword. Why was she so freaked out about this? Isn’t there some way to put that piece back where it belongs?

That's why she freaked, she wanted that missing piece of her soul back in her body, but now it's in her dagger where she can feel an attachment to it, but do nothing about it. So close but yet so far, as they say...

Have you been involved at all with deciding what happens to Magik and Pixie after this mini?

Not really. Zeb and I spoke a little about Magik, but he's got really incredible things planned for her, and Pixie's story is one another writer will be handling.
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Spectacular member
Spectacular member

Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyDim 12 Avr 2009 - 14:12

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 290508X_Infernus_4___mercury

X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 680878X_Infernus_4___neverleaveourownbehind
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Arathorn X
Immortal member
Immortal member
Arathorn X

Age : 36
Localisation : Entre Moselle et Alsace
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série]   X-Infernus #1-4 [Mini Série] - Page 10 EmptyDim 12 Avr 2009 - 16:20

Les X-Babies on les revoit dans d'autres titres autrement? Où ils ont fait leur arrivée à San-Francisco dans cette mini?
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